5,441 research outputs found

    Directions in research of the oldest Polish press (1501–1729)

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    This article contains a brief overview of the research on Polish press from the years 1501–1729, and discusses its directions and results conducted by historians and press experts after 1945. A citation analysis is widely used in the evaluation of the research output. The interest in the oldest Polish press is relatively high. A total of 55 scholars worked in the field, publishing 102 works (including 16 books), cited 524 times (including 267 times below the half-life period). Eight authors had the largest contribution: Konrad Zawadzki, Kazimierz Maliszewski, Jan Lankau, Władysław Myk, Adam Przyboś, Jan Pirożyński, Janusz A. Drob and Urszula Augustyniak. The most frequent subjects of research were ephemeral and serial newspapers, Merkuriusz Polski and handwritten newspapers, as well as other periodic newspapers and press from Gdańs

    Prasa polska na początku doby zaborów (1795–1815) jako obiekt refleksji historycznej

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    This article describes briefly the Polish press from the years 1795-1815 and discusses the trends and results of research undertaken in this field by historians after 1945. The citation analysis was widely used to evaluate the research achievements. Researchers showed little interest in the press of that time. Only 49 scholars in total worked in this area and they published 61 works cited 118 times within the parent discourse (history of the press) [including 42 times below the half-life period]. Kazimierz Ossowski (5 works) [8 citations] and Marian Kallas (6 works) [7 citations] could boast the greatest achievements in this field. The works published by Tadeusz Łepkowski [10] and Jerzy Łojek [3] also deserve attention. The greatest achievement in the analyzed area is a monograph by K. Ossowski "Prasa Księstwa Warszawskiego" (Warsaw, 2004). Other topics received much less attention. One also lacks synthetic analyses for the period 1796-1806 and monographs of the then leading newspapers, especially "Gazeta Warszawska" and "Gazeta Korespondenta Warszawskiego i Zagranicznego

    The Continuous Publications Department

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    Dynamika systematycznego wzrostu, nowoczesna przestrzeń intelektu, labirynt znaków, magia zaangażowanych w swoją pracę ludzi z pasją – to tylko kilka haseł, które przychodzą na myśl, kiedy chcemy przywołać nazwę Biblioteki Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego i 70 lat jej historii. Łódź przed dwoma wiekami powstawała z tradycji niejednorodnych, i podobnie powstawał – jako mozaika różnych treści intelektualnych – Uniwersytet Łódzki.The article presents the origin and the development of The Continuous Publications Department in The Library of Łódź University. The text shows the changes in the process of acquisition, collecting, storing and providing access to Polish and foreign periodicals between 1945 and 2012. The process of adaptation of cataloged series and the cooperation with other Polish scientific libraries in similar problems, are also discussed

    Akademickie czasopisma informacyjne w katalogach OPAC, bibliotekach cyfrowych i na stronach WWW bibliotek wyższych uczelni technicznych

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    Academic magazines constitute a separate specific group of titles in the offer of academic libraries. Librarians join in their electronic publishing and university publishers assume the long-term archiving of digital resources. New trends in publishing academic magazines and a reduction in printed resources can be observed. Some titles cannot be shown in the library OPAC. There is a need for information about online resources. This article attempts to answer the question how the offer of academic magazines is presented in OPACs, digital libraries and on the library websites of selected technical universities in Poland. Attention was paid to the resources available online. In order to determine how the information about magazines in print and online is developed, the title published at a particular university as well as those titles issued by other universities in their catalogues were considered. The review of the above mentioned sources was made in the period July-September 2014

    Polskie dziedzinowe bibliograficzne bazy danych w perspektywie lokalnej i globalnej

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    Polish topical bibliographic databases in local and global perspective. In the paper the attempt is made to look at the Polish topical (subject) bibliographic databases from the comparative point of view and define on this basis both their distinctive and common features, as well as trends of their development. Attention is given to issues such as: content of records (bibliographic and non-bibliographic data), their links (to texts, addresses, records), ways of characterizing content (applied information retrieval languages, abstracts), status of databases and their availability, workflow and relationship with printed bibliographies

    Dezinformacja związana z wojną w Ukrainie

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    Głównym celem badania jest określenie stopnia dezinformacji mającej miejsce w kontekście wojny w Ukrainie. Przypisywana różnym autorom zasada, iż „prawda jest pierwszą ofiarą wojny” nabiera nowego wymiaru w epoce, w której dla wielu ludzi niezweryfikowane informacje pojawiające się w mediach społecznościowych (półprawdy, domysły i konfabulacje) stanowią główne źródło wiedzy o świecie. Ponadto, działają aktorzy celowo wprowadzający dezinformację do obiegu publicznego a sytuacja wojny powoduje, że wiele wiadomości jest ocenzurowanych. Informacja na temat wojny pojawia się w społecznym kontekście, więc pytania mierzące zakres dezinformacji uzupełnialiśmy o kwestie dotyczące przyczyn wojny, a także postrzeganych konsekwencji jednego z głównych jej skutków – masowego napływu uchodźców z Ukrainy.Disinformation related to the war in UkraineAbstract: The main objective of the study is to determine the degree of disinformation taking place in the context of the war in Ukraine. According to a principle attributed to various authors, “truth is the first casualty of war”; this rule takes on a new dimension in an era where for many people unverified information appearing on social media (half-truths, conjectures and confabulations) is the main source of knowledge about the world. In addition, there are actors deliberately introducing disinformation into the public stream and the situation of war causes a lot of news to be censored. Information about the war appears in a social context, so we supplemented questions measuring the extent of disinformation with questions about the causes of the war, as well as the perceived j consequences of one of its main effects - the massive influx of refugees from Ukraine

    Academic periodicals published by the Cracow museums after 1945: A survey of their development and their present-day condition

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    W artykule scharakteryzowano periodyki wydawane przez muzea krakowskie po 1945 r., na tle ich działalności wydawniczej. Czasopisma naukowe ukazujące się do dnia dzisiejszego poddano analizie pod kątem częstotliwości i intensywności wydawniczej, struktury, zawartości i funkcji, a także rangi naukowej, cech formalno-wydawniczych i społecznego zasięgu.This article deals with the academic periodicals published by the Cracow museums after 1945 against the background of their overall publishing record in that period. They are characterized with regard to the following criteria: number of issues per annum and adherence to the publishing schedule; structure, content and function; assessment of academic quality; formal characteristics of the editorial formula and the printed product; and, finally, their social outreach

    Otwarta nauka w Polsce 2014: diagnoza

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    S\u142owa kluczowe: otwarta nauka w Polsce, repozytoria, czasopisma naukowe, open access, komunikacja naukow

    Беларусь на старонках штотыднёвіка „Свет” у перыяд 1918–1919

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    The purpose of the article is to trace the presence of Belarusian issues on the pages of the Warsaw weekly “Świat” [The World] in 1918–1919. Content analysis of the publications showed that the editors of the widely read weekly did not decide to clearly determine their stance on the future of Belarus. The periodical developed a strategy of including the Belarusian issue in a Polish-centric discourse, which emphasized Poland's cultural maturity and the importance of Polish arms in the struggle against the Bolsheviks, who were seeking to take over Belarusian lands.Celem artykułu jest prześledzenie obecności problematyki białoruskiej na łamach warszawskiego tygodnika w latach 1918–1919. Analiza publikacji wykazała, iż redakcja poczytnego pisma nie zdecydowała się na jednoznaczne określenie własnego stanowiska wobec przyszłości Białorusi. Periodyk wypracował strategię polegającą na włączaniu kwestii białoruskiej w polonocentryczny dyskurs, w którym eksponowano kulturową dojrzałość Polski oraz znaczenie polskiego oręża w walce z dążącymi do przejęcia ziem białoruskich bolszewikami.Мэтай артыкула з’яўляецца агляд беларускай праблематыкі на старонках варшаўскага штотыднёвіка “Свет” у перыяд 1918–1919 гг. Аналіз артыкулаў выявіў, што рэдакцыя папулярнага часопіса не вырашылася адназначна акрэсліць уласную пазіцыю ў адносінах да будучыні Беларусі. Стратэгіяй перыядычнага выдання стала спроба разглядаць беларускую праблематыку ў межах дыскурса, у якім аўтары праз прызму Польшчы і палякаў разважалі пра суседзяў. Падкрэслівалі ўзровень культурнага развіцця Польшчы і значэнне польскай узброеннай барацьбы супраць бальшавікоў, якія імкнуліся заняць беларускія землі

    Prasa komputerowa w Polsce – historia i statystyka

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    [Computer Periodicals i n Poland (History and Statistical Data)]. The Polish computer periodicals have a record of over forty years of history. Their beginning was marked by the publication of "Archiwum Automatyki i Telemechaniki" (1956), and first of all the periodical "Maszyny Matematyczne" (1965) known as "Informatyk" by its contemporaries. Until the end of 1982 there came into being 15 more periodicals (mainly professional and scientific journals). The year 1985, in which "Bajtek", the first generalreadership computer magazine was published, was a breakthrough in computer periodicals, which have started flourishing continually since then. The estimates indicate that until 1998 there appeared 151 computer periodicals in Poland, whose growth was stable. Since 1956 until mid-1989, 27 new titles emerged (on average one or two titles a year). The remaining 124 came into being only during the transformation period. In 1990 their number enlarged with other 14, and subsequently in 1991 - 7 new titles were created, 1992 - 13, 1993 - 17, 1994 - 11, 1995 - 12, 1996 - 13, 1997 - as many as 19, with the same number in the year 1998. Over 61% of all periodicals (93) are published in Warsaw, which can be attributed to the fact that major publishing houses in this professional area have their headquarters there; namely Lupus, LDG, CGS, Software and AVT, and previously Bajtek. The Polish capital is also the seat of all major scientific institutions, which publish up to 28 journals in the computer field. The subsequent positions in terms of the number of publications are taken by Wroclaw (20), Poznań (7), Cracow (6) and Bydgoszcz (4). The private sector has the highest publishing status with the production of approximately 73%, universities - 20%, PAN (Polish Academy of Sciences) - 5%, NOT (Chief Technical Organisation) - 2%. A tendency towards accumulation of titles by one institution is observable, which led to the emergence of genuine concerns: Lupus (10 periodicals), CGS (8), LDG and Bajtek (no longer existent) (6 each), Vogel and Software together with AVT (4 each), Angel and Silver Dark (3 each), ZPR, Recon, ProScript and Alfin ((2 each). These periodicals are grouped into two categories: popular magazines (56% of all titles), and specialised (44%). Among the latter, the scientific category (36) is most strongly represented, then the professional one (19), and the professional- promotional one (9). Popular magazines may be further subdivided into the categories of general-readership (39), specialised (13), information and advertising (11), and computer games (as many as 24). The most popular periodicals include such titles as "Chip" and "PC World Computer" (editions of 150 thousand issues), "Enter" (60), "PC Magazine" in Polish (40), "PC Shareware" (30), "//WWW" (43), "Internet" (25), or a dozen magazines for players. The leading scientific journals published by PAN are "Archives of Control Sciences" and "Archiwum Informatyki Teoretycznej i Stosowanej", as well as a dozen periodicals from other research centres. The professional magazine that should be mentioned is "Informatyka" and Polish editions of international journals like "Computerworld", "Software", "NetWorld", and a number of periodicals by big computer companies